YCbCr is a color space commonly used in video systems and digital imaging. It separates image luminance from chrominance, allowing for more efficient compression and transmission. In this color space:

– **Y** represents the luma component, which corresponds to the brightness or grayscale information of the image. It is derived from the RGB color model and is a weighted sum of the red, green, and blue components, emphasizing the green channel due to the human eye’s sensitivity to green light.

– **Cb** stands for the blue-difference chroma component. It represents the difference between the blue channel and the luma component. This component captures the color information related to the blue hues in the image.

– **Cr** is the red-difference chroma component. It represents the difference between the red channel and the luma component, capturing the color information related to the red hues in the image.

By separating the luma and chroma components, YCbCr allows for more efficient video compression techniques, such as chroma subsampling, where the chroma components are sampled at a lower resolution than the luma component. This takes advantage of the human visual system’s lower sensitivity to color detail compared to brightness detail, resulting in reduced data rates without significantly affecting perceived image quality.